Bhalin Singh – Founder & Executive Director

As a social entrepreneur and creative visionary, Bhalin is the heartbeat and impetus behind LiveGive. His lifelong mission has been to drive the consciousness of wildlife, nature, and philanthropy out from the shadows and into the everyday lives of people. The creation of the global licensing brand, LiveGive, answers this calling - directly. From a young age his love of the wild, be it in the Indian forest or the Laurel Highlands, forged him into a conservationist. Bhalin has extensive design training (Parsons School of Design and Otis College of Art & Design) and well-grounded luxury management experience in both hospitality and retail industries. Bhalin holds a B.S. in Economics from Rollins College and an M.A. in Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. He currently serves on the International Advisory Board of WildAid.